Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award:
- 1999: Fred Cotton
- 2000: Donald Ingraham
- 2001: Not Awarded Due To 9/11 Attacks
- 2002: Joe Chiaramonte and James Doyle
- 2003: Rich Bernes and Michael J. Menz
- 2004: Andy Rosen
- 2005: Kevin Manson
- 2006: Danny Mares
- 2007: Chairman Emeritus Lee McCown
- 2008: Mark Menz
- 2009: Anthony Reyes
- 2010: John McMullen
- 2011: Kenneth Citarella
- 2012: Lee Curtis
- 2013: Ronald J. Wilczynski
- 2014: Cynthia Navarro
- 2015: Tom Quilty
- 2016: Arthur Bowker
- 2017: Howard A. Schmidt
- 2018: Frans Kolkman
- 2019: Paulo Quintilian
- 2020: Not Awarded
- 2021: Warren G. Kruse II
- 2022: Bill Spernow
- 2023: Todd Shipley
Case of the Year Award:
- 1999: Crips Gang Case
- 2000: Sacramento High Tech Crime Task Force
- 2001: The Mafia Boy Case
- 2002: The Aballah Case
- 2003: Operation Hamlet Case
- 2004: Innocent Eyes Case
- 2005: BTK Killer Case
- 2006: Operation Trench Coat
- 2007: Extreme Child Molestation Case
- 2008: Operation Bad News
- 2009: People v. Randolph Kling
- 2010: Detective Eric Pahlberg – Sacramento Valley High-Tech Crimes Task Force
- 2011: People vs. Bulos Zumot
- 2015: State of Texas vs. George De La Cruz
- 2018: Javier Soto Ortiz
- 2019: San Jose, California’s R.E.A.C.T.
- 2023: Bhima Koregaon Case